Things to Leave Behind in 2020

Things to Leave Behind in 2020

It is December, and I cannot be alone in being the only person wanting this year to finish already 2020 has been a year of ‘well it can’t get any worse than this’

2020 - What a Nightmare

   It is December, and I cannot be alone in being the only person wanting this year to finish already  2020 has been a year of ‘well it can’t get any worse than this’ ... and yet a month later it would. We started 2020 with the Australian summer bushfires, that made our whole city white for months, kilometres upon kilometres of natural bush land were wiped out including all our beautiful native fauna, so many people lost their homes and through Dec 19 and Jan 20 we were all on high alert and we thought it cannot get any worse than this ... 

Then there was the Trumpisms but let us not go there.

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And then the end of Jan it was announced of a case of corona virus in China and China effectively shut down, we could see what was happening in the world and we all thought it was contained but then in March 2020 it was announced that we would all go into isolation.   

 So many of us went weeks without toilet paper because here in Australia that seems to be the one thing that everyone starts to hoard. I do not know about you, but I was stocking up on frozen pizzas and tinned soup!


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So, everything closed, we were all at home, trying to work and educate our children. Borders closed so we couldn’t travel to see loved ones. What was happening in Australia was far from what we were watching on the news from the rest of the world. 

 I am so happy it’s now December, the first vaccinations are happening globally, our borders have all opened (well this has now changed!!) and I’m looking forward to the world going back to normality sooner rather than later. 

We have been chatting about this crazy arse year, and the sooooo many different experiences and things that have happened and wanted to write one of our curvy girl lists and look at the year as it has been.

Seriously what things can we leave behind in this crazy year that has been 2020.

  • The owner of the dog that leaves the big huge turds on our front yard every single day - they can stay in 2020 (the owner and the dog) oh maybe not the dog - it’s not their fault their owner is a qwatt that can’t remember to take a doggy bag with them every day!
  • The extra coffees that I have been having daily - I think I need to leave those in 2020...
  • My new debt that has raised from having to pay for the same normal things in life but with less $$$ that can so stay in 2020
  • The bottle of wine a day - yeah, the working whilst drinking - the oh it’s 4.30pm and it’s been a stressful day - time to pour a glass (don’t look at me like that - we were all guilty of this!)
  • My dining room office needs to stay in 2020 - but working from home a couple of days a week I can so live with that. 
  • My partner being at home as well as myself trying to work and live together- yeah that can so stay in 2020 - this is not a thing I want to encourage
  • Toilet paper hoarders - I think everyone (especially those that got caught for weeks rationing loo paper) these people can stay in 2020.
  • Face masks they can stay... just because I do have a really cute collection of them now
  • Work time starting at 5.30am - as I work every day in my office - that can also stay in 2020 ·        Look I know we are all about body positivity, but just those few extra kgs that kind of crept up on us in around May and around the middle they can go, I want to fit in those summer frocks in my wardrobe
  • Badly coloured hair - that can so stay in 2020 – what ever made us think the best way to kill time at home by dying and cutting our hair? That was definitely a mistake.
  • Not being able to see loved ones (just insert a sad face here) this should never happen again. Not being able to say goodbye, this is one of the worst possible feelings anyone could have
  • Adventure-less that can so stay in 2020... I miss the fact we have not been able to see families or see the world
  • Home schooling - say what, I really don’t even want to go there - my little one isn’t even at school yet but those few weeks we had at home - killed me, so I can’t even imagine the pain of working mum’s who had to still hold down all their work commitments, a home PLUS educate their children... seriously we can kick that back.
  • Quarantine - just plain out quarantine - I just don’t want to do that any more
  • Social distancing, don’t get me wrong I like being in my own bubble in the supermarket but there is just something about going to an empty pub that makes me sad. It feels like such a waste of a pub!
  • Survival mode - we all went there
  • Self doubt
  • Panic and anxiety can stay in 2020 – it has been a rough year 

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But it is hard not to look at 2020 and smile and say there actually so many positive things to happen in this year and things we are blessed to have learnt, things we want to learn and go from, and things we so want to not leave behind in 2020.   

 Like forget about how good it has been that families are now being able to reconnect and we are now able to enjoy each other’s company and really spent quality time and grew bonds with our immediate family.   For me, the biggest and the most important thing I want to take with me into 2022 is…


Now lets focus on what we want to take 

with us to 2021

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  • We have to start with comfie pants – this is just a given. It was such a treat to have a zoon meeting from the waste up, you didn’t even need to try and hide away 
  • No makeup. I have very much enjoyed not putting on makeup in the morning
  • Plus - Not washing my hair for a week - who is going to see it anyway
  • Plus - No fast pace get out of the house routine
  • Spending quality time with our families and housemates
  • Dogs, need I say more, just dogs!
  • Seriously one our curvy babes was swimming with the kids in the pool, realised she was late for a meeting and through on a jacket over her curvy swimsuit - and snap zoom meeting ready!
  • Home comfort ugg boots - I am so taking those with me into 2021 

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With saying all that I feel really positive for what lessons we have learnt from 2020 and I’m looking forward to growing back up again with a lighter out look on life in 2021   We here at Artesands are hoping for a warm and sun shining summer especially over the Christmas New Year break. Plus then we get to wear our bathers around the beach.   

 Happy new year to all our curvy babes.


The A Team xx